
What we offer

We would like to propose a monthly Instagram promotion plan with 12 posts + 12 stories for your hotel. Every post and story will have a location tag + photo tag + caption tag.

Why you should work with us

As you can see from our screenshots in “Our Audience” section, we reach almost 5 million people every month and get 15m+ impressions and we think we can bring your resort a lot of value for a much smaller cost compared to traditional advertising.

We have worked with Lesante Blu from Greece for 5 months and their posts with us get over 650,000 reach every month for 10 times lower than they would pay if they used Instagram ads.

Some of our recent posts data

Normal Instagram Ad PRICE


As you can see we put our audience into Instagram ads and it would cost 3000€ to get the same reach or worse that we offer for a much smaller price.

  • 12 posts
  • 12 stories

We have priced this a lot lower than normal ads because we understand having direct control and more targeting options is better. So we have adjusted our price to make sure that our partners get value for money immediately.

Please see below more data on our audience and brands we have previously worked with.

Our Audience


Age & Gender

Top Countries & Cities

Brands we have worked with


If you got to this point thank you! Thank you from taking the time to read through our proposal and if you are interested or have any questions please reach out to us via our email: or our instagram page